Maxi Climber Vertical Climber Review

31bRbR9MsNL._SS400_This page will give you a review of the Maxi Climber Vertical Climber and tell you a bit more about what you can expect from this stepper, this will give you a different type of stepper which is more like a climber and it will enable you to get quite an intense workout which is more intense than a standard stepper workout.

You will be able to burn a lot of calories and if the thing that puts you off using a stepper is that it is not intense enough for you then you need to check out the Maxi Climber Vertical Climber.

We will run you through the features and we will also point you in the right direction to save the most money and pick this up at discount.

If you are in a hurry you can click here and go straight through to to pick up this product.

Here is an overview of the features:

  • Ergonomically designed for all body types, features adjustable height
  • Isometric non-stick grips
  • Personal workout timer starts and stops when you do
  • Compact folding design allows for easy storage

If you are looking for a great stepper and also a vertical climber that will help you get lean legs, rock-hard abs and it will also work on your arms and your triceps as well as you biceps as well you need to have a look at this product. Unlike a stepper that just works out your lower body this will definitely help with your upper body because essentially you will be climbing up the wall except you will not be going anywhere you would just be working out.

You can also use the exercise equipment to burn calories to help you lose weight and also sculpt and tone.

You will be able to burn calories really quickly and if you are looking to sculpture body and tighten up then you will love this tool as it will help you lose weight really quickly and you even have an option of an intense workout which can get you really fast results by giving you a climbing action that gives you a full body workout.

If you want to see this thing in action you can click here and go straight through to the main product page as it will give you a video and it claims to burn 500 cal per hour and this is compared to an exercise bike that will any average about 330 cal per hour.

The other great thing about this product is that it is very affordable and it gives you a great calorie blaster and body sculptor site if you are looking to do muscle training and cardio this is well worth a look.

Customer Opinion:

If you are looking for a great workout and you also looking for something that is really easy to day but definitely does the job then you need to check out the Maxi Climber Vertical Climber. Looking at the customer reviews most people say that this is a really good product and you will say that it gets five star feedback. It is also really easy to get up and running and if you want maximum results in something a little bit different than a standard stepper we recommend you check this out.

We recommend checking out this product at where you will be able to pick it up for just $229 and you will also be able to save money on the premium waist trimmer which is another product that is very popular and will go hand-in-hand with this tool!

For someone that is looking for something a little bit different this is well worth a look check it out through the link below!